Sunday 19 June 2011

Your fittness is what you make it fool!

Before I start, I have no problem with fat people. If you want to be fat that's fine with me, just don't complain to me and do nothing about it please. Also its important to note that I have no qualifications at all.

Now I am hardly a fit person. I spend more than my fair share of time in front of a computer contributing in no way to the betterment of man kind. I like to drink, eat fatty things and spend whole days watching TV shows. Yet I am constantly cursed as a "fit skinny bastard" which I think is a little un-just. I'm going to make a possibly very offensive statement here. If you aren't as fit an healthy as you like and don't have some legitimately good reason for it (like a medical condition) then I'm going to go out on a limb and say its your fault. As I said I like to drink, eat and have lazy days where I do nothing, but I do this in moderation. Its about realizing what your body needs see? My dad complains to me about how skinny I am and how fat he is then proceeds to consume a whole block of blue cheese and consume a bottle of wine. This annoys the hell out of me. If you aren't happy with your weight or fitness I have no problem with you complaining (god knows I do) so long as you actually TRY to do something about it. Here's how I managed to trim off some of those pesky fat handles if you care to read.

First is food. Put simply, eat what you need. Your body uses what ever you eat to refuel and build it self, what it doesn't use it keeps for later in a general sense (read fat). Carbohydrates (like in bread, vegies, grains and all manner of other food stuffs) are what the body primarily burns for fuel. So your intake of them should compliment the amount of activity you do lest there be a surplus that later gets turned into fat. Protein is what YOU are made of so its important if you're looking to get those big biceps to impress girlies at the pool this summer. You should again be eating this stuff as suits your activity. I'm no expert in the matter though and have no idea what your goals are so I'll let you do some research in to what you should be doing here. Although I do quite like the idea of the Paleo Diet. Eating in general should be done after physical activity, not before. Its after any intensive action that your body is looking for something to replenish its fuel and build stuff out of so to get the most out of your food eat within two hours of finishing a workout. Which leads me to...

DOING STUFF. People think getting fit and healthy means they have to go buy a gym membership and buy protein shakes. But did you know you can do all that stuff for free (or close to if you want to get a bit of equipment) if you're clever? First is the most obvious. Walking and running. Cardio work is great and not enough people do it. I don't see why people have to drive to the gym to get on a treadmill either, why can't you just go for a walk? You get to see more than a bunch of fat sweaty middle aged women wobbling about and I personally feel like I actually achieve something when I go for a walk or a run. So go for a walk or run. RIGHT NOW(note: bikes are good too). Secondly is for the people who are after a bit of beef on the ol' bones. Again you don't have to go to the gym to get big and strong. Here I like to use the ideas of Georges Hébert and his natural method of training, which you can research as you will. Basically use what you have around you to make a work out. While you're out on that run why not stop at the local play ground and do some pull ups? or do some Bulgarian split squats on the park bench with a big rock? Why just an hour ago I did a strenuous workout in the corridor of my house using the floor, a door frame and a wall. Get creative. Pushups can get boring fast, but try some variations. Try different hand positions, change the elevation of your feet, put some weight on. Try it with your hands on a ball. In general body weight exercises are your friend. And if you're feeling adventurous parkour will build a lot of strength fast if you apply your self.

So if you're fat, unfit and don't like it (providing it isn't due to a medical condition) its your fault. Go do something about it. But if you like eating cakes all day and watching high quality TV shows that's fine with me too. Be what you want to see in your self.


  1. Whenever my arms get any kind of work out they become too tense and shaky for drawing. That's my excuse for being as slim as a Mcphan. Also you can slip through small gaps.

  2. Actually Carl's right. Women care exclusively for butts. AND ear lobes. If you're not pumping those lobes I don't want nothing to do with you!

    On a side note I agree with you James. I'm usually all for complaining, in fact I'm considering complaining right now. But when it comes to weight I'm as sensitive as a person pushing over orphans. I figure if you aren't happy with your situation do something about it.

    Also I love cake so it is in my interest to convince others to diet so there is more cake for me.
