Tuesday 14 June 2011

Oooops I forgot I already had a blog...

So I remembered that a few years ago I made a blog with the intention of updating it regularly. Sadly it wasn't very good and reflected poorly on me as a person. It can be seen right here ol' chum if such things tickle your fancy. Its not about anything important but offered an interesting glimpse into the beginning of my 2009.

I was delighted to find a post about Andrew Mackenzie and the large amount of scorn that I held (and still do hold) toward that man for the detriment he has caused to my education. Its been 2 years since I've had a class run by that man and I still have no idea what I was supposed to have learned from him. What I do remember was that the ol' Tim and I created some interesting things during his lectures. Perhaps this was his aim? creating an environment where the student was forced to be creative to prevent themselves from going insane due to the pointless drivel issuing forth from the man's mouth. Either way I was never creative in the way I was supposed to be. Mostly I drew dumb pictures and passed them to Tim.

Now that I'm a qualified (if somewhat unemployed) industrial designer I can still see no real benefits of having a unit run by one A. Mackenzie other than that sweet "Mackenzie rocks EXTRA hard poster" that I now have. I wish that more cross disciplinary subjects had been run by Gowrie Waterhouse (yes his first name is also the name of a suburb) his classes at least made sense and made me do and learn something useful. Man, I kinda miss design history (may or may not be because the girl who taught my tute was rather attractive...) I gained some fine knowledge from those lectures (and spent most of my tutes distracted by rather scanty outfits, so I'm not entirely sure I got much of educational value out of those...).

Now that I think of it, when I was in Finland there was none of this rubbish really. The classes had a point that you could see. You knew why you were there and it was up to you (with the exception of classes run by Mr.  Mikko  Sääskilahti. I mean honestly, why hire a man who lives at the other end of the country and is only in town once a week?) to do the work given to you. It was clear what the point of each class was. There was no dilly dallying about with inventing fictional stories spreading them out into parts and then piecing them together as a group (this is actually something Mackenzie had us do in one of his classes and I still to this day have no idea why). But then again, thats Finland for you. And that's why I'm trying to get back there. Not just for the casual nudity, heavy metal and drinking culture...


  1. As far as useless university activities go, it's hard to top that time at artschool we had to play a game of duck-duck-goose. But it's a little unfair to enter artschool into a ridiculous competition.
    I've heard about that "Mackenzie rocks EXTRA hard poster" but I don't remember it, so if you could link it or something I'll start oiling my lol-valves in preparation.
