Thursday 16 June 2011

Nuclear Blast webshopping

Again as you may or may not know I have recently been on a quest for sew on patches of bands that I like in order to sew them onto a vest I have. Its a heavy metal thing and some fine examples can be seen here. So for the past few weeks I have been trawling about the internet in search of the patches I have become so hungry for. Which eventually lead me to the Nuclear Blast webshop. At first you may think, as I did, that this is your simple run-of-the mill heavy metal webshop despensing the standard fair of black band shirts and a fine range of patches. But after further investigation, it would seem that Nuclear Blast have taken things to the next level. Not only do they carry a wide range of band merchandise but anything else a metal head could need...

Heavy metal utensils
Firstly, what do you do as a extreme music fan? You go to festivals of course! Its ok, Nuclear Blast have you covered. They have everything the intrepid festival goer could want from tents all the way to a camp toilet and camo netting. I was amazed at how much this made sense and wonder why I had never seen this before. But wait! THERE'S MORE!

A lot of heavy metal makes reference to old religions such as that of the old Norse, so this section also makes sense even if it is a bit left of feild... I must say I was more than a little tempted by some of those drinking horns and some of that chainmail looks pretty fresh... but who could go past the chainmail neck tie? I was again, flabbergasted by the array of viking related goods available on this site owned by a recording label (who are supposed to make their money from recording stuff). I mean there's even carved wooden wall hangings and mead...

But what got me the most about this site was the homewares section, which has everything from heavy metal tea and black skull and cross bones pasta all the way up to black christmas trees with decorations. I'd like to think that when I own my own home that it would be full of classy things like this. No because I think its cool, but because I think that heavy metal is stupid as hell a lot of the time and too many people take it too seriously ALL OF THE TIME. I'm all for artists being serious with their music and that, don't get me wrong. I'm not suggesting that every band become some cheesey Alestorm type novelty, more that everything doesn't have to be frost bitten and grim all the time...

After spending several hours perusing the pages of this webshop I drew a conclusion. And that is that I should probably try not to buy stuff from it, simply because I know I'll lose controll and within 3 days a package containing a drinking horn, some cool biscuit cutters and maybe some spikes to stick on my belt would be shipped from Germany to my door. Oh, I may get some patches too.

This site is amazing and is doing a great service to the fans of metal. Not just selling the wares of the artists signed to their label but selling them the things the really need.

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