Tuesday 14 June 2011

Blogs are cool right?

So it seems that blogging is what cool types are doing these days. Some fine examples of good, entertaining, thought provoking bloggery can be found herehere and here. So I thinks to my self why not jump on to this merry band of fun, where I can exercise my thinking and typing muscles at the same time? So here I am, babbling in-comprehensibly via digital medium. Sadly I don't think this will be anywhere near as entertaining or thought provoking as the fine works given above and I fear that it will mostly degenerate into mindless potty talk and childishness. But this blog is for my own amusement so if you don't like it you can just go and get bent.

I have a suspicion that the main subject matter of this blog will be in no particular order:
  • Skateboards
  • Parkour
  • Lifting heavy things
  • Mindless rambling about nothing in particular
  • Pointless things I've done 
  • My job being lame
  • The Finnish government being far to fussy
I make no promise that this blog will be interesting to read, make sense, have any sense of continuity or even be updated regularly, but I'm bored now so we'll see how long writing poorly structured and punctuated sentences about nothing in particular can keep me amused.


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