The mindless babble of a man who was living in the Arctic and now isn't.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Gettn' the Poo Brain
Lately I've felt that my head don't work quite proper no more. I find my self mis-spelling things (not really a big deal), typing words with random letters in them or just plain typing a completely different word to the one I intended. I find my self spending hours doing not much more that flicking between two different web pages, seeing if either of them has updated while I was looking at the other. I think the technical term for this is "Poo Brain". Please see the attached video for a detailed description.
I think it is possible that 9 months of living a life of comfort and leisure in Finland may have made my brain space into naught but a mush used to process nothing more than "what should I have for dinner?", "what TV show or movie should I watch?" and occasionally "what do I want to drink?". I think it may be a lack of intellectual stimulation that may have bought around the rather severe case of the Poo Brain that I am now suffering. I can tell you, its not so great. I think the best way to combat this would be to craft something. I am strongly considering taking some sort of knife making course when I return to the land of Australia. That'd be cool. I think the best possible career path would be that of a blacksmith. Think about it, working all day in a forge hammering steel and in the evening I'd be the one that the local tavern would call to settle ruckuses due to my burly strength attained behind the anvil. I can't really imagine any real conceivable down side to that. Just think, I could make armor!
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