Finland, its a place that I am. Its cold and until recently it was dark. But its pretty swell. And hence forth I shall start rambling in no particular order about nothing in particular.
Getting here: Getting here involved sleeping in some uncomfortable places (cars, floors, planes, trains), being quite close to people I have never met for extended periods of time, sitting for pretty much 12 hours straight and having a reaaaall hard time trying to find a good cappuccino in Amsterdam airport. Oh and they edited all the best parts of Goldeneye out on the in-flight movie selection, I mean why did they get rid of the toilet scene? So getting here was a pain in the ass and I don't plan on doing any intercontinental travel again any time in the next few months.
Drinking: My casual alcohol consumption has sky rocketed over the last two weeks. From maybe one night out a month to several nights out on the piss per week. Why just this Monday night I was at a party. And for some reason there was a child there. Apparently he shows up at heaps of parties. There is more than one night club in this town but for some reason, so far I have only been in one. Now I normally don't like night clubs, but this one has the ok from me because they played some Jimmy Hendrix for me and my friend last night. I don't think mooseheads would do that. Oh and mooseheads isn't full of cute Europeans.
Recreation: This place is great for the old recreation. I have a gym in my basement, a ski slope a 20 minute walk away and hiking is 5 minutes away. Last night I went rock climbing for a mere 5 Euro which was grand. I'm yet to go ice skating, but I hear its marvelous, and free. I don't think I've been so constantly physically active for a while.
Food: The uni will give me a massive meal for less than 2.50 which is amazing. Shame I'm never there at the right times. Other than that I'm getting pretty good at making shit up with a meager selection of ingredients. Yesterday I made ANZAC biscuits too which was swell.
Exchange students: They're fun to hang out with. I just pop over to their building and there's always some sort of fun happening. I wandered into a French flat last night and ended up as a member of the "Buffalo Club" which is a super cool exciting thing to be a part of apparently. Mostly I just hang out with the Irish though. They're great fun.
Straya day: Yup its not a thing here, but I'm gunna cook up some sausages anyway. Happy Straya day!